Fox River Resources Corporation
Fox River Resources Corporation

CSE Index:
Fox River Resources Corporation is engaged in the advancement of the Martison Phosphate Project located near Hearst, Ontario. The Company’s strategy is to create shareholder value through the further exploration and evaluation of the Martison Project, either by itself or in conjunction with a strategic partner. The Martison Project is strategically positioned in proximity to the Western Canada and the U.S. Midwestern markets with ready access to excellent infrastructure.
Fox River Resources Corporation (FOX)
SEDAR Information
Company Info
301-141 Adelaide Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 3L5
mckmining@msn.comWebsite date
Tuesday, February 2, 2016Transfer Agent
TSX Trust CompanyInvestor Relations
Stephen CaseAuditor
MNP LLPCapitalization
Issued & Outstanding:
79673085Reserved for Issuance:
2016-0201- New Listing – Fox River Resources Corporation (FOX)
Trading to commence Thursday February 4, 2016 under the symbol FOX.